U.S. Flag Program

Show your PATRIOTISM, and support the Ravenwood High School Marching Band.

A close up of the american flag

Ravenwood High School band members will install a 3×5 foot American Flag on an 8 ft. pole in your yard, morning to evening on the day of the holiday. When you subscribe, your service will begin on the next flag holiday and continue until you receive five flag installations, i.e. 1 year. You must live in the Ravenwood High school zone. All money raised goes to the Ravenwood High School Band Boosters to support music education at Ravenwood.


The holidays celebrated are:

Sometimes flags are not placed on actual holiday.

Memorial Day
Flag Day
(June 14)

Independence Day
(July 4)

Labor Day
(First Monday in September)

Veterans Day
(November 11)

U.S. Flag Installation Order Form

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Select the number of years or number of flags you would like to have installed.
If you prefer to pay by check, please download and print a paper form HERE and mail it with your payment to:
Ravenwood High School Band Boosters
P.O. Box 3133
Brentwood, TN 37024‐3133


What if I purchase the U.S. Flag Service mid-year?

Your service will start on the next flag holiday and continue until you receive five flag installations. Subscriptions purchased within two weeks of a flag holiday will begin the next upcoming holiday to allow time for processing, payment confirmation and installation route scheduling.  Orders received after November will begin service with Memorial Day.  Your support and understanding is greatly appreciated.

No. We only sell full-year subscriptions for $60. You may purchase more than one year at a time.

We will drive a 4 ft. steel rebar approximately 6 inches into your lawn, approximately 2 feet back from the curb. We then place the flagpole onto the rebar.  This creates a firm base that is durable for one day, and that can easily be removed with minimal impact to your lawn.

We will try to place your flag in line with your front door, approximately 2 feet back from the curb. If you would prefer a different location please indicate this on your order form. If you have irrigation or an electric pet fence that will be affected at 2 feet back from the curb, please indicate this on your order form.

Occasionally a yard will get missed. Just contact us at [email protected], to let us know and we will get a flag out to you ASAP! If this does not happen in a timely fashion we will extend your subscription to include five holidays.

We will send you an email to offer you the option to renew for another year. You may either return to this site and re-subscribe online or simply download and print the subscription form and mail it in with your check.

Contact our program coordinators at [email protected].