Band Glossary

A group of people in costumes marching on the field

All-State Band – See Region Band and TMEA.

Band Donations – Band Donations are collected from marching band members. To pay for our competitive season, bus rentals, competition entry fees, staff, and a host of other expenses that a band of this caliber incurs. There is a donation schedule set up with deadlines you can find on the calendar. Please note that the first installment is due during the summer.  The treasurer will have information about corporate match for donations and there are many fundraising opportunities to offset a student’s band donation. 
Overnight band trip are expensive, but provide exciting opportunities for our students. Sometimes they are required due to the band’s assigned performance schedule, other competitions (such as BOA Grand Nationals) are multi-day competitions. Because of this, trips to events like Grand Nationals are not done every year. 

– These are ticketed events organized by the Events committee. Ticket information will be sent out as the events get closer. There is an additional charge for this event and it is a required payment to attend.

Battery – also known as Drumline. These are the percussionists who march. (See also The Pit)

Bibs / Bibbers – Overall style uniform pants

BOA – See Bands of America 

Body Warm Up – The Body Warm Up is how the band students get ready to work before every practice and competition during marching season (musicians only, guard have their own warm up). It is a few minutes of choreography which they do in unison. It changes every year and incorporates several of the fundamentals which will be vital moves in the show for the year. So not only does it act to loosen them up and start working as a team, it also serves to reinforce the choreography for the year. They will start summer band learning this routine.  (See also Fundamentals)

Band Boosters Board – The band booster board is made up of elected and appointed members who volunteer their time and talent to ensure the success of each band student at RHS.  We work closely with the Band Director, providing vital support to all aspects of the program.  Keep in all mind, a Band Booster is ANY parent or guardian of a student in the band program.  The Band Booster Board serves as the leadership team. The list of who is currently on the board and their contact information can be found on the website.  Please do not hesitate to contact any board member with your questions. We are happy to help!
Booster Organization and Family Meetings – As a band parent, you are part of the booster organization. No organization can be successful without parental involvement. Parents, YOU are an absolutely vital part of our success in the Ravenwood Band. We highly encourage you to attend the monthly booster meetings throughout the calendar year (including summer). This is where the majority of questions are answered and a lot of information can be learned in a short amount of time.

– your number one go-to guide for what’s going on and when. The calendar will be updated from time to time and sent out via email. 

Camps – See Band Camp, Guard Camps and Percussion Camp.

Chaperoning – Please consider chaperoning for the band. We need chaperones for band camp, home and away football games and competitions. It is a fantastic way to see the band up close and personal and provide support to our students and staff. Watch for emails about chaperoning opportunities..

Charms – Charms is our band-only, password-protected site that consolidates all internal band information for parents and students. If you need assistance, please email [email protected].

The direct link for Charms login in is

The school code is: Ravenwoodband

Your password is issued by the band director. Once you are established in Charms, you will be required to change your password.

Communication – The band is large and the directors and booster board will have a lot of information to share with you. We all strive to keep this to a minimum so as to not overwhelm your email inbox (see Email). All band email communication is sent through our charms account, so our emails will come from [email protected]. Please take the time to read these emails. There is also a monthly booster meeting (See Booster Organization and Meetings) at which you can ask questions for any band issue. In addition to all these ways to get information, we have our public band webpage at and our password-protected Charms page which has several documents, forms, and volunteer listings. (See Charms). The band calendar is frequently updated with changes, so please make note of changes sent out or check it for updates. If you are unclear about anything, please contact the appropriate booster board member or anyone in a band t-shirt. (See Booster Board) Everyone is happy to help.

Competitions/Contests – Both the marching band, winter programs (guard and percussion) and the curricular bands perform and compete.   It is an exciting and fun part of the Ravenwood Band experience. 

Corporate Donations/Sponsorship
– Ravenwood band actively seeks corporate donations to offset the expenses of the band program. The band has 501(c)(3) status. Your company may offer matching funds as well as volunteer hour matching. If you or your company would like to make a donation to the band, please email our treasury team at [email protected] co

DCI – Drum Corps International is a non-profit summer drum corps competition circuit. While Ravenwood band does not compete in any of their events, many of our students have auditioned for and received marching spots with one of these prestigious drum corps. They generally spend two and half months in the summer training, traveling, performing and competing. These bands are for bell front brass, percussion and guard only (no woodwinds like saxophones, clarinets and flutes). Students must be 17-21 years of age to participate. To read more about DCI:

Dots/Dot Books – Dots are the specific points of each individual person in the show at any given moment. A dot book is a spiral bound 3×5 or 4×6 index card book in which students write all their sets. (See also Sets and Drill.) Students typically clip their dot book on a lanyard or wear a belt bag while rehearsing so they can make notes in their books.

The Drill – or just Drill. Collective dots make up a set. Collective sets make up the drill. The drill is the complete show.

Drumline – also known as The Battery. These are the percussionists who march.

Drum Majors – Student conductors/leaders for the marching band when they are on the field. Drum major auditions are held in the spring. Drum majors are selected by an independent judging panel, not the directors.

Etudes – An etude is a short piece of music designed to show skill and fundamentals. TMEA (Tennessee Music Educators Association) selects three etudes each summer which will be the audition pieces for Mid-State Band. The high school band also uses them for their own audition process.  For more information and for etude selection in mid-July, please visit

Event Coordinator – Is responsible for coordinating meals, activities, forms, chaperones for all band related events.

Football and Football Games – One of the main duties of the band is to support our Raptor sports teams. In addition to pep rallies held throughout the school year, the band performs at every home varsity football game from August through playoffs (with exceptions for competition conflicts).   They band plays stand tunes and perform the marching show at halftime. The band travels (or half of the band) travels to away games to play pep tunes and cheer on the Raptors.  Students in the band do not need a ticket when representing the Red Team, however, parents do. Chaperones and Pit Crew volunteers will receive a pass to enter the games so that you will not need to purchase a ticket.  

Forms and Documents – There are several forms that the band must have on file. Please make sure you have each of these completed and turned at the start of summer band. These forms include the sports physical form, commitment form, contact form, over the counter (OTC) medication form.

Fundamentals – The marching basics (posture, body carriage, marching technique, step size, etc.) that the directors teach and the students will apply to the marching show.

Fundraising – The band does a lot of fundraising to help defray the cost of band donations, competition, and running the band. In addition, occasional one-time costs are encountered. The marching band does not receive any funding from the school or WCS. We encourage you to participate in fundraising opportunities whenever possible and engage your friends, family and neighbors.  Our balance sheets are available at every booster club meeting for your consideration.

Gauntlets – Gauntlets are school-owned marching uniform pieces worn over the wrists of marching band performers.

The Guard – This talented group of dancers and flag/rifle spinners are an intricate part of the marching band. They are a vital visual part of any show. During marching season, the Guard is always included when we say “Band.” When marching season is over, they have their own calendar of Winter Guard-only events.

Mailbox – There is a large, locked wooden box with a mail slot inside the band directors’ office. The Booster Organization uses this for students to drop off payments for various things: Documents, Band Fees, Merchandise etc. It helps us greatly if your student puts payments in this box. Thank you in advance for that consideration.

Marching Band – The Marching Band is comprised of everyone in the band and color guard.

Marching Season – From late May through potentially mid November depending on the football schedule and competition schedule. 

Marching Techs – They are usually college music students who help us during summer band and throughout the marching season.

May Camp – Also known as Rookie Camp. This is three full days in late May when the kids come together as a new band for the first time. Incoming freshmen are given new music for football “stand tunes”. They begin to learn marching terms, positions and how to hold their instruments properly.

Prescription medication: If your student needs to take any prescription medication while travelling with the band, the medication must be signed into the events coordinator. The medication must be in the labeled prescription bottle and only the amount needed for travel days should be checked in. A parent/guardian must sign in the medication. Your pharmacy can make you a separate bottle for just the amount needed for the trip if you request it. On our trips, we have a parent volunteer in charge of prescription medications. Most of the time we have an RN within our band family who can do this job for us, but it is within the volunteer standards that a director or Tier 3 approved volunteer may dispense medication. We can work with students who have inhalers or epi-pens on a one to one basis. While the band strives to make things easy for every student who needs medication, we must also act within legal parameters and the policies of the district. All school rules apply when we travel, and students are not allowed to carry any medication.  Please understand the staff appreciates all student privacy when it comes to medications and we do the very best we can in the circumstances we are given to maintain that privacy concerning medications. If you are an RN and are willing to volunteer for our trips, please contact the events coordinator.

Over the Counter (OTC) medications
: One of the forms you must complete for the band is an over the counter medication approval form. This form is your pre-approval for the band to give your student any of the OTC medications on the list. Regardless of whether or not you allow for your student to request all/some/none of the medications on this list, the band must have one on file or we cannot give them anything should they request it. Again, just like in school, students are not allowed to carry any medication when we travel, so if they need something for example, like Tylenol or Ibuprofen or Tums, they must get it from the adult in charge of medications on the trip. On the OTC form, you may disallow any of the medications. For example, you may want to approve Tylenol, but not Ibuprofen. There is a place for that on the form.

: If your child needs to carry an inhaler, you must note this on the medical form with any special instructions.

Merchandise – Band stickers and t-shirts for the whole family, we do all of that, too! There will be purchasing opportunities early in the marching season.  Visit 

Physicals – All band members must have an annual sports physical.  Forms need to be turned into the band prior to the start of summer band camp. It is recommended you make a copy of this form for your records. Physicals may be performs no earlier than mid-April of the previous school year.

The Pit – These are the fron
t line percussionists in the show, and even though they do not march on the field they do rehearse on the same schedule as the Drumline and play an integral part in the band’s overall performance and production.

The Pit Crew
– This fantastic crew of parent volunteers is responsible for the loading and unloading of all the instruments from the truck. They oversee getting the props and pit instruments onto the field. They also help with the building and management of props and other items we use on the field.

Publicity – The band has a board member who handles contacting the local media and so forth. All our media contact should come from this person. With a band this size, we know it’s very exciting when we do well and we want everyone to know, but these things need to come from the directors/Boosters, please. If there is an event or an acknowledgement that you feel should be addressed and isn’t, please contact the board at [email protected]
Please do not post videos on your personal facebook pages or in any other public space.  The shows are copyrighted and must not be publicly distributed.

Please do not post videos on your personal facebook pages or in any other public space.  The shows are copyrighted and must not be publicly distributed.

Red Jug – Everyone in the marching band and guard is required to have a 1/2 gallon or gallon sized insulted Igloo-style jug. These can be found at stores like Walmart. This jug is to be filled with ice and cold liquid and brought to all practices. Please put your student’s name on it. The band is given several water breaks throughout practice and it is critical that your student stay hydrated throughout practice and even off the practice field.

The Staff – the RHS band directors.

Stand Tunes – Music played in the stands at football games and pep rallies.

Summer Band Camp – SUMMER BAND IS A REQUIREMENT OF ALL BAND AND GUARD MEMBERS. Summer band starts at the beginning of July and runs every Tuesday/Thursday right up to the start of school. Summer band is how the band hits the ground running for the fall marching contest season. Start dates will vary for guard and band, so please be aware of your student’s start date. Summer band checklist will be available in the summer newsletter. These are the items you will need by the end of June. Summer band is hard work, yes, but also a lot of fun. Please refer to the calendar for exact dates and times and please schedule summer appointments accordingly.

Thick, black socks, crew height only:  We recommend at least three pair of socks.

Black athletic shorts 

Black compression shorts worn under Bibs.

The Truck – Most large high school marching bands have their own 18-wheeler trailer and RHS band is no exception. We use this truck to haul the pit equipment and electronics amongst other things back and forth from the school to various events. Students with large instruments which travel via the truck will be required to stay at the school after the football games to help unload their items. The loading and unloading is managed by our volunteer group known as The Pit Crew.

Uniforms – It is important that parents understand that school issued uniforms are Ravenwood Band property and replacement for loss or damage will be the responsibility of the parent.  Band members and/or families are responsible for keeping the uniform clear throughout the year.  

Concert Band Attire: Girls: Attire is a uniform long black formal dress.   Boys: Boys will need to purchase a tuxedo with black socks and shoes. Uniform can be used from year to year and will be ordered through the Band Boosters.   Watch for information regarding fitting dates and pricing.

Volunteering – Yes and yes! We have so many fun and wonderful opportunities for you to help the band. Please keep an eye on your emails for volunteer opportunities. This organization is well run, but it takes a lot of willing hands and hearts to make it all work. Opportunities are wide ranging from helping to build props and load trucks to helping put together competition goodie bags for the students. We need uniform fitting help in the summer, chaperoning help, fundraising committee help, merchandising help, pit crew help, event coordination help, uniform washing help, and help and also at the Exhibition and End of Season Banquets. Our booster board is elected every spring, so please watch for opportunities to submit your name to serve there as well. There is sure to be something that fits your time and talent. The website is our public internet presence.. Chances are if you need to know something it’s somewhere on the website or in Charms.  If you cannot find an answer, contact one of the booster board members or simply ask anyone wearing a RHS Band t-shirt. We’ve all had questions and we are all happy to help you.

WGI – Winter Guard International. This is contest circuit for guard once the marching season is complete (see Winter Guard). Similar to the BOA contests (See BOA), the guard will compete at the local and regional level throughout the spring. There will also be years where they will get to compete at the national level in Dayton, Ohio, but this is not on an established schedule. Winter Guard – For the Guard, “Winter” means mid-November through mid-March, and this is when Winter Guard takes place. These are guard-only contests. The Guard will start auditions for Winter Guard fairly soon after marching season ends, and will begin regular rehearsals for their contest season. Costumes for winter guard will be measured and paid for after the Fall semester break.  The Winter Guard will rehearse 2-3 times a week for up to three hours each. (See also WGI.)